Pregnancy week 8
About the size of a grape, your little one measures about 15 mm, but in a sitting position now. In other words, from his coccyx to the crown of his head. Learn more about this week.
Pregnancy Week 9
Two hearts beat as one, as the song says. In actual fact, your baby’s heart is beating just fine on its own. Read more about this week.
Pregnancy week 10
You are already at week 10 of your pregnancy. Still another 29 weeks to go before you get to meet your little love. Learn more about what’s going on this week.
Pregnancy week 11
If you could look inside, you’d see thin little hairs developing on your baby’s eyebrows and above her lip. Don’t worry if you’re having a girl, they’re very fine!
Your every meal right now is already shaping your baby’s future eating habits. From conception, the next 1000 days is crucial for their development.
Your every action right now is already shaping your baby’s future. From conception, the next 1000 days is crucial for their development.
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