
Tips for baby's first teeth

Tips for baby's first teeth

Baby Health - 12 to 24 months
Jan 13, 2021
2 mins

The first teeth can be a painful time for your baby and for you too. We've developed a comprehensive program of first-tooth tips, so you can all get by without grinding your teeth.

  • Try to make your baby forget his teeth that hurt by changing the scenery or playing. 
  • Consider giving your baby a teething ring to relieve pain. 
  • Try placing a teething ring in the refrigerator to cool it (be careful, never in the freezer!). 
  • If your baby is six months old or older, chewing a small piece of bread, under supervision of course, can relieve him. 
  • A gentle massage of the gums on the finger, obviously clean, can also do the trick. 
  • Avoid rusks or cookies as they contain sugar, which can cause cavities. 
  • There is no evidence that baby tooth gels are effective, but if you decide to try one, make sure it's suitable for babies. 
  • The same goes for homeopathic gels for baby teeth, but then again, if you decide to try one, make sure it can be used in your country. Some unlicensed products have been associated with serious side effects. 
  • Follow the instructions on the medicine box or consult your GP or pharmacist if you have any doubts. 
  • When the teeth appear, you can start brushing them gently with a toothbrush and age-appropriate toothpaste for fluoride composition. 



You can also checkout our oral Hygiene list for more information on how to take care of your baby’s teeth

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