Post pregnancy diet

Pregnancy week 6

Pregnancy week 6

Your baby’s growth is in overdrive right about now. So many exciting developments on such a tiny little being! Read more about this week.

Here are some 6 weeks pregnant symptoms and signs to note

Baby Development
Guess what? Your baby now has real skin! And, amazingly, all his other organs, while still tiny, are already in place. Optic nerves are developing and his head is now well formed, though still much larger than the rest of him. His heart and liver are taking up a lot of room in your womb this week. Also new, his spine is formed. His arms and legs are lengthening, and the little ‘tail' will soon disappear. In the next couple of weeks, his ‘webbed’ hands and web will make room for proper, well- separated fingers and toes. What a busy week!

Your Body
You are well on your way, with your baby due in around 33 weeks. Many women have to down shift a gear around this time. Some of the less-than-pleasant side effects of pregnancy might be rearing their heads. They include for example, the much talked-about nausea, sleeping problems and mood changes. One small consolation is that they are really good signs. They appear because the hormonal changes in your body are perfectly normal and indicate a healthy pregnancy. Still, don’t push yourself too much right now! Being pregnant may not be an illness, but there is still a strain on your body. Perhaps your daily routine and your working life will allow you to take an extra break here or there.

If you are feeling quite tired, you can adjust your diet to help prevent fatigue. Things like complex carbohydrates (starchy foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals and pulses) will help keep your energy more even throughout the day. Don’t forget to add in some fruits and vegetables – great sources of vitamins, whole grains, wheat germ and nuts for magnesium, which helps render you zen, and vitamin B6, which is crucial to the functioning of your central nervous system. Avoid unpasteurized juices and dairy products and make sure that all fruits and vegetables are carefully washed, with no traces of soil on them.

Been wondering if you can keep running during your pregnancy? If you've already been running regularly, chances are great you can continue as long as you feel good while doing it. Of course, speak to your doctor before taking our word for it – no one knows you better! If your doctor gives you the go-ahead, here are some general guidelines while pregnant. Limit your jogging to 4 or 5 km per run. Stay tuned to your body. Stop running if: You haven’t been gaining enough weight, you feel nauseous while running or if you are showing clear signs of slowing down. In the last trimester, dial it back to fast walking. Easy does it is always a good rule when pregnant.

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