What to Expect during pregnancy

Pregnancy week 19

Pregnancy week 19

Your little lodger weighs around 335g now – weigh a grapefruit in your hand and that’s about how heavy she is.

Look out for these 19 weeks pregnant symptoms and signs so you are prepared.


There’s a whole lot of growing going on, so, though your baby is very active, she also sleeps a lot. Up to 20 hours a day! She isn’t necessarily on your time clock and can wake you up at night as she moves around restlessly. Try to gently caress your belly and talk to her when she does, it will calm her down, and maybe you’ll both be able to get back to sleep. As she’s not very big, she has lots of room to move her arms and legs around, and kicks, pedals, turns, and does lots of somersaults. To change position, she pushes her feet against the wall of your uterus. That's why you sometimes see that ‘alien’ bump on your belly. Remember to pat the bump to show the baby that you are there!  



Though your body is doing its job almost on auto-pilot, there are still a few things that need to be taken care of externally. If you haven’t already done so, then discuss with your gynaecologist at your next check-up how and where you want to give birth. If you want to have your child in a hospital, they can recommend one for you. Hospitals usually offer information events for parents-to-be, so that you can get an impression of the place. This can help to make the decision easier!



Meat or fish? If you don’t have a weight problem, you can eat pretty much anything. Be sure you vary and balance what you eat, and enjoy (as long as you know those foods are okay to eat while pregnant). If you need to control your weight, choose lean meats such as rabbit, poultry without skin, and lean cuts of red meat such as steak . If you like fish, go for it, even if they are fatty. Those fats are essential to the development of your baby's brain. As we’ve said before, just make sure to vary the fish. Small fish such as sardines and mackerel carry less mercury than large fish such as salmon or tuna. And it's all about quantity. A total of 120 to 150g per day is enough animal protein to meet your needs.



Hooray! You are at the midway point of your pregnancy. This is a great time to pat yourself on the back! You have achieved something tremendous after all. Of course, like all mums-to-be, you have a lot of unanswered questions – like, for example, what happens from this point on. That is why it is worth going to an antenatal class. Knowing what is going on takes away a lot of uncertainty. Talking to other mothers- and parents-to-be is also particularly helpful.

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